This is my official first blog post into the world of social networking with my classroom and my crafty side at home. I have found so much inspiration in the ideas others share through the social networking sites and blogs that I thought I could give back!
A few things before we start, my name is Kate and I am a third year teacher in a special education cross-categorical classroom. Sometimes I find it hard being on social networking sites and trying to find out where my classroom fits in the realm of common core, technology, and all that is education. I have over the last year applied many brand new techniques thanks to blogs,, and other teachers I work with. However, in my free time I am always working on craft projects from sewing to organizing systems I find on social networks. I am currently working on the DIY wedding of the century (o.k... I know I am biased!!) in October and I might share some of my to dos on here as well!
So...back to the point... What do I love about social networking?
Pinterest as the great equalizer: We have all seen those projects and thought "Wow, that first year teacher has great ideas and so much energy. I just don't have the time anymore." Wait, WHAT?! I feel like Pinterest has put fire back into our love of education and pretty much anything you love! I have seen so many teachers go up to seventh year teachers and ask where they got their ideas, and they said simply "Pinterest." with a gratifying smile. It's refueled my profession and I love seeing it happen!!
At home, I pretty much turned my life into my job, but now I have set aside "me time" for two hours everyday, one hour of which I am active if I like it or not, and one hour for crafting which is my passion. I have taken up making jewelry, floral arrangements, sewing everything I can (not always successfully though! haha), painting, and just plain creating. A big part of this is I cannot craft anything for my classroom! I know, I know... who has time for that?! well... I decided to give up an hour of reality TV and just give myself time. Now that I have done this, I am much more refreshed for my profession and I feel the kids get more out of me!
Thanks to Pinterest I can find blogs I would have never known about, follow people on Twitter who are just amazing in their classrooms, and I can connect with people world wide and see what education is doing everywhere! I feel like I am a member of an amazing profession community not just in my central Illinois town but in the world and it's AMAZING!
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